In 2009 I created VanTrash, one of the first civic open data apps in Canada. VanTrash became ReCollect, a business to help municipalities communicate with citizens about waste collection.
In 2013 I spent most of my time growing as an entrepreneur on ReCollect. Still, I managed to have some other fun: I helped launch VHSdecel - Vancouver's first startup decelerator, my open source biodiesel point of service system Biopay has been embraced by others, and I re-launched SMS Harvest.
From 2014 to 2021 I built ReCollect into a profitable and impactful bootstrapped, Software as a Service company in the civic tech space.
I owe so much to my amazing co-founders
David Eaves and
Kevin Jones and
my love, Jen Closs.
In 2021 ReCollect was acquired by Routeware Inc, a leader in the Solid Waste and Recycling software industry. I continue to learn and grow in this new phase of the company.